BISS Ch. Little Pond's Osage Ollie
August 22, 1994 - August 29th, 2003
Ollie was bred by Perry Barber and came to us with the assistance of Mr. Bob Simmons. He marched into our home as a 14 week old and quickly made it his own. The afternoon he arrived, he collected all the toys in our home and placed them in his new bed and settled in with aplomb.
When he turned 6 months of age, we took him to the Kentuckiana Bulldog Club specialty show just for a little "ring experience." Judge Dr. Frank Kauffman awarded Ollie Best of Winners and he was on his way. He next went Best of Winners at the Cincinnati Bulldog Club specialty show under Judge Ms. Elizabeth Hugo.
It was never boring with Ollie. At one show he spied a styrofoam cup just outside the ring and felt the urge to retrieve it for his own. Naturally he pulled the entire ring fencing down as he proudly returned with the prized cup. Fuzzy hair balls floating along the ring floor also made for some interesting times.
The ultimate thrill was when Ollie was awarded Best of Breed by Judge Ms. Kyle Fisher at the Bulldog Club of America National Specialty in 1997 at Pigeon Forge, Tennessee.
We were also pleased with his abilities as a stud dog. His current champion get number 35 with several more pointed.
He was special...and we miss him.

BISS Ch. Little Pond's Splash
September 15th 1992 - September 2nd 2004
Splash was a Best in Specialty show winner & BCA Hall of Fame producer, who was the dam of 2 top 10 winning dogs who were also Hall of Fame producers.
Splash's offspring (BISS Ch. Little Ponds Leroy, Ch. Little Ponds Fire And Ice, BISS Ch. Little Ponds Chief and Ch. Little Ponds Chatters) have produced over 165 champions to this date!
This absolutely incredible number is still growing with continued production from Chief and Leroy.
Splash will forever be missed, as her effect on us and our home reached far beyond what she accomplished in the ring and what she produced.

January 3, 1995 - June 27, 2006
Chief; definition – Head Of the tribe or clan, the leader
Chief was born on a bitterly cold winter’s night. He was always a quiet puppy that was bullied about a great deal by his littermate sisters. Therefore Dan decided this boy should be named Chief, so that possibly he would grow up and one day become a strong and brave leader.
And as they say; “the rest is history”. A multiple BISS winner, 4 time Beckett award winner, 3 time Best stud dog winner at the BCA National Specialty shows, and sire of 139 champions to date and that makes him the #1 Champion producing Sire in the history of the breed.. He was a top 10 breed dog before he was two years of age. Many of his get have also become BISS winners and BIS winners, Westminster BOB winners and also BCA hall of fame winners and reproducers. He is the sire of the top two BISS winning bitches in the history of the breed, Ch Helfyre Little Ponds Promise (55 wins) and Ch Cherokee Legend Donna (50 wins).
Chief’s happiest times were spent either sitting on top of our picnic table calmly observing the wild life in our woods, or basking in the sun along side his mother Splash in the center of my rose garden. After Splash’s death he grieved for weeks and never again sat in the rose garden.
He had two favorite foods that he truly loved above all others, They were Famous Recipe fried chicken livers (after being introduced to those at a show by our friend Rick Mouser), and Krispie Kreme donuts. It was simply impossible to sneak donuts anywhere into the house without him finding out where they were.
He was always the kindest of gentlemen in every situation. Chief was the sweetest and dearest dog I have ever known, and I miss him every single day.
BISS Ch. Little Ponds Chief
Little Ponds Deal Me In